
White Almond Cookies Mix 白杏仁饼预拌粉

Original price was: RM12.90.Current price is: RM12.30.

Popular among ladies. Strong milky flavour. Less sweet, suitable for senior citizen. No preservative!

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SKU: M105902 Categories: , Tag:

White Almond Cookies steps:

  1. Mix well all the ingredients.
  2. Roll flat the dough and cut it with cookies cutter.
  3. Bake at 150°C for 20-25 minutes.


  1. 将所有材料搅拌均匀。
  2. 将粉团杆薄,用饼干模型压出形状。
  3. 以150°C烘20-25分钟。
Weight 0.55 kg


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